Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Save Your Brain

The three-pound organ in your head is very special. So if you want to feel happy, alert and focused, start being sensitive to its needs.

1. Ditch the high fructose corn syrup and sugars, transfats, processed and packaged foods (which contain up to 3,500 food additives and chemicals).
2.Choose organic foods and grass-fed animal products to avoid hormones, antibiotics and the gallon of neurotoxic pesticides each of us consume every year.
3. Filter your water.
4. Wear a helmet when doing sports that put your head at risk.
5. Eat foods high in Omega 3 fatty acids.
6. Stop eating food out of boxes and cans.
7. Eat fresh food for each meal.

Read: Mark Hyman, M.D., author of "The Ultramind Solution."