Saturday, January 3, 2009

Motherhood is an Emotional Rollercoaster Ride

Motherhood is an emotional rollercoaster ride with all the highs and lows, twists and turns, and nauseating moments you get from the one at your local amusement park. However, unlike your typical two-minute ride, this one lasts a lifetime and begins moments after you pee on a stick.

Hop in and I’ll share a seat with you on my rollercoaster ride so far!

* When I found out I was pregnant, I was elated. I couldn’t wait to be a mommy, again and again.

* During the first trimester, I panicked. What came in the easy way, had to come out the hard way.

* During the second trimester, I was calm. I knew if millions of women could deliver babies, so could I.

* During the third trimester, I was desperate. I felt like I couldn’t wait another minute to get my body back again.

* The moment my children were born, I felt relief. They were healthy.

* Three days post-partum, I was depressed. I couldn’t bear the fact that one day my babies would leave home. Yes, only three days later. While that thought still brings tears to my eyes, the baby blues made me sob at the unbearable notion.

* Three weeks post-partum, I was overwhelmed. How could I possibly take care of a baby, then a toddler and baby, then two kids and a baby all by myself during the day?

* Three months post-partum I felt capable. I had mastered breastfeeding, the car seat and how to get a shower in during the day.

It’s been over ten years since I started this rollercoaster ride and during that time I’ve also felt:

* Immense pride for all that my children are . . . smart, beautiful, thoughtful, fun, generous, polite, creative . . .

* Guilty for raising my voice, being impatient and taking my stress out on them.

* Crippling worry about their emotional and physical well-being.

* Grateful to be blessed with three incredible daughters.

* Stressed at the amount of tasks I have to do while being the primary caregiver.

* Lucky to be their mommy.

* Angry when they are disrespectful to me.

* Content knowing that my decision to not work outside the home was the right one for me.

* Regret on days I’ve spent more time nagging than playing.

* Happy just being with my daughters.

I know there will be more highs and lows on this emotional rollercoaster, but there’s no better ride than motherhood!

Written by: Shannon Hutton