Monday, November 17, 2008

Holiday Tips with Peggy Porter

Each year around this time, my girlfriends and I go on our annual shopping trip to the US. This is usually the time for me when I start my shopping and Christmas preparations.

Although for some, it may seem a bit premature, I always like to remind my readers in early November of how they can begin to implement a few tips now that can save them holiday stress later.

Being a busy, working mom is usually demanding enough, however, throw in a holiday and your stress level can go through the roof if you are not organized.

Each year some of us make the promise to ourselves that we will not be so unprepared or disorganized next Christmas. Somehow though, the year creeps up quickly and we are left with the same frantic schedule.

This year make a commitment to fully embrace and enjoy all that this wonderful time of year has to offer. Don't allow another year to go by feeling pressured, stressed and overwhelmed. You have complete control over what your holiday season will consist of.

Following are a few tips that may be helpful in getting a head start so when the season is in full swing, you can relax and enjoy all the festivities.

* Make your Christmas list now and start shopping. Write down who you have to buy for, any suggestions you have for gifts and approximate amount you want to spend on each person. Knowing how much you want to spend will eliminate a lot of needless shopping for items that are out of your price range. With the help of the computer, you can make a master list and save it so you can reuse each year, adding or changing as necessary. Use the convenience of gift certificates and online as well as catalogue shopping. It can make the whole process so much less demanding (unless you get a big rush being in the stores on the Saturday before Christmas!).

* Organize your gift wrapping essentials. Buy a container to house all your wrapping paper, scissors, ribbons and tags. Have it all ready in a convenient place such as a closet or under the bed. As you buy a gift, bring it home and wrap it. Having all the items together makes it easy to wrap as you buy. I have done this for the last few years and it makes my wrapping effortless, or almost effortless!

* Eliminate clutter now. In order to get ready for the new, get rid of the old. Go through your kids' toy boxes and throw out any broken or incomplete toys. Donate any others that your kids have outgrown and are still in good condition. If your kids are old enough, have them organize their own clothing or toys - a great way to teach them responsibility.

* Take care of your health. With the hectic schedule that many of us have during the season, it is a necessity to eat well and exercise regularly if we want to be energized and able to effectively manage holiday stress.

* Put yourself at the top of your Christmas to-do list. Remember that sacrificing your health and sanity does nothing for you or your family's Christmas spirit. Nourish and renew your own spirit this holiday season and I guarantee it will be the best gift your family will receive. Visit for more great ideas from Canada's Finest Mom Coach!