Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Toddler Autonomy

As you baby grows, he will most surely enter the realm of independence and desire a level of autonomy needed to continue to grow.

Your toddler has not yet acquired all the skills necessary to function independently, which creates a whole lotta frustration within this little being who believes he’s ready to take on the world.

While their favorite word may become “no”, yours should not. Using “no” excessively only takes away the power of the word and encourages your tot to use it as freely. Creating space in your home that is a 100% free zone enables them to have fun in a safe setting, while allowing you to relax knowing that you won’t need to intervene every moment. Allow your child to make some decisions, no matter how wacky.

If she really wants to wear her purple boots and old Halloween costume while going to the grocery store, setting the limit that it can be worn to the store but must be removed by dinner allows your child to taste independence without dominating you in the process.

Furthermore, allowing your child days to express her growing independence by wearing mommy’s shoes while helping set the table or holding the dog’s leash as you return your pet to the backyard satisfies some of their hunger to be big! Remember, you are doing a great job and their budding desire to become their own little person is a reflection of their growing maturity.

A great read is Michelle LaRowe's Nanny to the rescue! Enjoy.