Thursday, May 1, 2008

Changing Newborn's Diaper: Essential Tips

You'd never guess that changing a baby's diaper could be a challenge until the day you change your first diaper. Baby wiggles and squiggles, you find the wipes are out of reach or you get a sweet shower from your newborn boy 'cause you didn't know to cover him up. Some babies do not like to be unclothed in the cool air and they cry with discomfort, others can't wait to get naked.

Here are a few essential tips if changing baby is a new skill for you.

To change your baby’s diaper:
• It’s best to wash your hands before changing your newborn’s diaper. Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water after each diaper change, too.
• Lay your baby on a clean surface. Take along a blanket or changing pad when you go out.
• Remove the dirty diaper.
• Use a washcloth dipped in clean, lukewarm water. Wash all the area on your baby that the diaper covers. Wipe from front to back to avoid infection.
• Every time you change a diaper, clean your baby’s umbilical cord. Use a cotton swab that you have dipped in rubbing alcohol. Squeeze it so that it is almost dry. Gently clean off the sticky stuff around the cord where it touches your baby’s tummy. The cord will fall off by itself in five to 10 days. Your baby may cry when you touch the wet swab to the cord. Be gentle.

Check with your doctor if your baby cries at other times when you touch the cord. Check with your doctor if the skin around the cord is red. If this advice is contrary to what your doctor has told you, do as your doctor says as every baby is different, your doctor knows you and your newborn best.

• When you put a clean diaper on your baby, fold the top to make the fit more secure. If you are using pins, put your hand between the pin and your baby’s skin. Do not let the diaper cover up the umbilical cord or belly button.

Newborns use about 10-12 diapers every day. Change them as soon as they are wet. This can prevent rashes. Have a place to put the soiled diapers and washcloths, best to wrap each soiled diaper separately in a baggie or plastic bag, this will control odor.

Remember, never take your hands off a newborn when changing them, safety first.