Monday, July 14, 2008

Think Positive

Practice Positive Thinking

Research shows that your viewpoint and perspective affect your health. People who think positively live more healthful and happy lives.

You can shift your thoughts, first take inventory. What kind of thinker are you?

Keep a journal of your thoughts for 72 hours and reflect on whether your thoughts benefit your well-being or distract from your health. Carry the journal in your pocket, when you drop your children off at school, order lunch, or interact with a colleague, write down what you are thinking on the left side of the page and how you are feeling on the right. In the following 72 hours do the same activity but make a third column for thought replacement, write down alternate positive thoughts to replace your negative thoughts.

When you are late for an appointment and think, "This darn traffic." Replace the thought with "It's so nice to have some peace and quiet in the car for a few minutes."

When your children won't listen and you are thinking, "I am so tired of these squirts." Replace the thought with "I am raising such independent thinkers."

Come on, don't laugh just do it!