Saturday, May 12, 2007

"Mommy are you listening?"

Really being present when we interact with our children is important to their self-esteem and attachment. Here is a lovely quote from, sit down with a cup of tea, visit their site and learn to be more mindful and attentive with your beautiful child.

"Our days are filled. We experience moments that fly by and moments that pass at a slower pace. No matter how frenetic the pace, there are occasional lulls.

Today, allow the lull to serve as a cue to open awareness to your child.

In the stillness of this moment
I imagine my child
Breathing softly

Calm your mind, breathe deeply and appreciate the quiet of the moment. Even if there is some noise around you, inside yourself you are able to open to the spaciousness of the moment.

Bring your awareness to your child, wherever he or she may be. Let the stillness of the moment resonate as you imagine your child amid the same stillness. Sense your child breathing softly, just as you breathe softly.

As you direct awareness to your child, sense your child opening awareness to your presence in his or her life. Smile."

Take a moment each day to be present and attentive to your children, it will fill you with joy.

Books to read:

Mindful Parenting: Meditations, Verses, & Visualizations for a More Joyful Life (2006) by Scott Rogers.

Everyday Blessing: The Inner Work of Mindful Parenting (1993) by Myla and Jon Kabat-Zinn.