Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Family Coach Foundation

The Foundation of The Family Coach Better Family Living Playbook is:

The Family Coach @ Home - Mission statement > Vision statement > Your Family Rules

Every home, family and structure is built on a foundation. As you build your extraordinary family home you lay your family foundation, your family mission and values, and your reason for being. Out of your foundation grows the structure of your home, your family rules, behavioral expectations and your opportunities for family health and happiness.

The first step is to pour your family foundation, we’ll build your Happier Home as we go.

Step 1 is to develop your family mission statement, your family values, and your description of the family you want to live in.

Step 1: Define your Mission

Every family lives for a purpose. That purpose is your family mission. Some families live to give back, some live to raise one another up, some live to re-create the past, some live with passion for the future. By summarizing your family purpose, you lay the most stable part of the foundation of your family home. The place where you live, breathe, learn, love and grow.

What is a family mission statement > Why is it important > How do I write a family mission statement > Sample family mission statements > Write your family mission statement for all to see (printable) > Schedule your quarterly family meetings to review and update your mission statement.

Your Family Mission Statement

We are a family who…
The following behaviors will model our family mission…

Sample Family Mission Statements:

We are a family that lives to give back to the community.
We are a family that models respect for others in our words and actions.

We are a family that lives with passion, acceptance and joy in all that we do.

We are a family that accepts one another’s original voice.

We strive to help each individual find his unique strengths and to build his unique talents.

Write your Family Mission Statement and post it on your fridge for all to see. What kind of family do you plan to raise.