Making your house a home includes creating an environment in which you thrive. Use a bit of The Family Coach Environmental Engineering in order to make your house a home.
Look at your decor, is it drab and in need of a "Lift-Me-Up"?
Change the seating arrangement in your great room, move plants from one room to the next, take a few pictures off the walls and change them out with ones you have in your garage. Throw away your dust collecting knick-knacks and clean the visual palate in your home. Buy some flowers and place them on your kitchen counter and in each bathroom. Fresh flowers say "Welcome."
Don't wait, dive in today!
If you spend just 15-30 minutes a day for one week re-engineering your home, by next weekend, you're home will have had an "environment-lift" and you and your family will feel more energy for the Summer ahead.
Use These Family Coach Solutions to bring the environmental energy back into your home.
Make a list of areas you want to work on in priority order
Start with the areas that bother you the most
Write down exactly what you'd like to be better about the specific room
List major areas of change for each room
Draw out placement of large items
Do a quick survey of storage items that you may wish to bring into your environment
Write down which room yu'll work on which day
Take note of every 15 minute block you work to re-engineer your home (you'll be amazed at what you can do!)
Finish one project before starting another
Get help: Friend, Family, Neighbors, your kids
Make it a family game or activity, assign one room to each kid, play "Trading Spaces"
Designate family relationship rewards - When we finish a room we will go for a bike ride, or paint a picture or have a BAR-B-Q
Make a home for every little thing in your house
Start small- a cabinet, a drawer, a shelf
Use a label machine on everything
Separate items
• Give away/ donate / Sell in a yard sale
• Can help with storage around the house
• No use/ trash
• Recycle
• Doesn’t be long here
• Repair
Don’t put it down, Put it away!
Keep no more than one junk drawer
Use a rod, hanger or hook
Use existing shelves
Use a bookcase
Create a files
• Personal papers
• Financial
• Home warranties
• Bank statements
• Tax papers
• School papers
• Divide content by person and year
Divide household categories
Store items hidden on highest pot shelves
Store items under the bed
When did I use this last?
When will I use it again?
Do I really need more then one of certain items?
Do I know someone who will get better use out of it?
Does it work? Is it worth repairing?
Does it fit RIGHT NOW?
If I am going to keep, does it belong where I found it?
How hard would it be to replace it in the future if needed it?
Use baby food jars for nuts, screws, paper clips, loose change, etc.
Use film canisters for pins, buttons, tacks, etc.
Use old Tupper Wear
Use extra silverware trays
Use hooks
Use tape
Use old shoe boxes
Use clean pasta sauce jars
Use hat boxes
Use jewelry boxes
Line bathroom drawers with hand towels for easy clean-up
Print this out, send it to a friend, add more tips in the comment section of The Family Coach Blog, 'cause we're all in this together.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Books For New Parents
A new mum asked me for a few baby books. Here is a good start.
Babyhood - Penelope Leach
Complete Baby and Childcare - Miriam Stoppard
Diary of a Baby - Daniel Stern
Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care, 6th Ed. - Benjamin Spock
Handbook of Infant Development, 2nd Ed. - Joy Osofsky
Help! My Baby Came Without Instructions! - Blythe Lipman
The Baby Manual - Linda Levin & Eileen Bropson
The First Three Years of Life - Burton White
The First Year of Life - Nina Lief
The Interpersonal World of the Infant - Daniel Stern
The Portable Pediatrician - Laura Nathanson
Touchpoints - T. Berry Brazelton
Your Baby and Child: From birth to five - PenelopeLeach
Your Growing Child: Babyhood to adolescence - Penelope Leach
Email us at and tell us what books you like for New Parents.
Babyhood - Penelope Leach
Complete Baby and Childcare - Miriam Stoppard
Diary of a Baby - Daniel Stern
Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care, 6th Ed. - Benjamin Spock
Handbook of Infant Development, 2nd Ed. - Joy Osofsky
Help! My Baby Came Without Instructions! - Blythe Lipman
The Baby Manual - Linda Levin & Eileen Bropson
The First Three Years of Life - Burton White
The First Year of Life - Nina Lief
The Interpersonal World of the Infant - Daniel Stern
The Portable Pediatrician - Laura Nathanson
Touchpoints - T. Berry Brazelton
Your Baby and Child: From birth to five - PenelopeLeach
Your Growing Child: Babyhood to adolescence - Penelope Leach
Email us at and tell us what books you like for New Parents.
The Family Coach Workshops Calendar
The Family Coach Workshops
The Family Coach Workshops are two hour intensive workshops covering life-changing content, in two consecutive Saturdays.
We learn, implement and evaluate family improvement.
Parents design their plan for Better Family Living and then have a week to implement it prior to reviewing what worked and what needs new strategies.
Interacting with a workshop trainer and supportive parents, you develop your own Family Coach Playbook with skill building worksheets, questionnaires and parenting tips designed to help you zero in on the kind of family you want to raise and exactly how to do it. If you are looking for lifestyle improvements in your every day family life but cannot find the time to make changes these intensive workshops are for you.
Learn how to:
• Be the king of your own castle
• Communicate effectively with your children
• Get your children to mind you
• Discipline effectively with confidence
• Improve every day family routines
• Increase happiness and decrease stress
Whether your children are two years old or teenagers The Family Coach Workshops will provide you an opportunity to raise happy, healthy confident children in a more peaceful home.
2007 Schedule
Make a splash this Summer! with The Family Coach Solution Studio – Strategies for Happy Family Living
Saturday June 9, 2007 9 am - 11 am
Saturday June 16, 2007 9 am – 11 am
Get Back To School: You Rule☺
Saturday August 18, 2007 9 am-11 am
Saturday August 25, 2007 9 am-11 am
Stress-free Holidays: Coming your way!
Saturday November 3, 2007 9 am-11 am
Saturday November 10, 2007 9am-11 am
Workshops held in Scottsdale, Arizona
The Family Coach Workshops are two hour intensive workshops covering life-changing content, in two consecutive Saturdays.
We learn, implement and evaluate family improvement.
Parents design their plan for Better Family Living and then have a week to implement it prior to reviewing what worked and what needs new strategies.
Interacting with a workshop trainer and supportive parents, you develop your own Family Coach Playbook with skill building worksheets, questionnaires and parenting tips designed to help you zero in on the kind of family you want to raise and exactly how to do it. If you are looking for lifestyle improvements in your every day family life but cannot find the time to make changes these intensive workshops are for you.
Learn how to:
• Be the king of your own castle
• Communicate effectively with your children
• Get your children to mind you
• Discipline effectively with confidence
• Improve every day family routines
• Increase happiness and decrease stress
Whether your children are two years old or teenagers The Family Coach Workshops will provide you an opportunity to raise happy, healthy confident children in a more peaceful home.
2007 Schedule
Make a splash this Summer! with The Family Coach Solution Studio – Strategies for Happy Family Living
Saturday June 9, 2007 9 am - 11 am
Saturday June 16, 2007 9 am – 11 am
Get Back To School: You Rule☺
Saturday August 18, 2007 9 am-11 am
Saturday August 25, 2007 9 am-11 am
Stress-free Holidays: Coming your way!
Saturday November 3, 2007 9 am-11 am
Saturday November 10, 2007 9am-11 am
Workshops held in Scottsdale, Arizona
What is Family Coaching
What is Family Coaching?
Welcome to The Family Coach, family coaching and consultation. The Family Coach is a coaching and consulting program for families desiring to enhance their skills for better family living. Working together, we take your family to the next level of living and wellness. Much like you would go to a tennis or golf coach to improve your game, the family coach program is designed to provide you with consultation, coaching and skills to improve your family and each member of your family as desired.
Family Coaching is a skills based family improvement process for families wishing to improve their skills in any of the following areas:
• Family discipline
• Family health and wellness
• Family meal planning
• Family routines
• Family schedules
• Getting your family on track
• Goal setting for success
• Healthy exercise and fitness
• Home organization
• Improving attention and focus
• Improving friendship skills
• Improving behavior at home
• Improving quality family-time
• Improving quality relationships
• Improving school behavior
• Improving school success
• Keeping your family on track
• Parenting with confidence
• Parenting with consistency
• Problem solving
• Working together with the other parent
How does coaching differ from therapy?
Family Coaching differs from traditional therapy in that it focuses on health and wellness. Coaching is an active goal-setting and goal-accomplishment process. The Family Coach @ Home generally consists of one to five sessions in which goals for healthy family living, behavior management, lifestyle improvement and better every day living are established and implemented. Classes, workshops and The Family Coach Playbook, provide you with skills to enhance your every day family life.
Coaching asserts that you are the expert in your family and with a bit of guidance you can develop the skills of a coach so that you can better solve family challenges as they arise. Coaching starts with things as they are today and focuses on future success. Watch, live, love, learn and grow today! with The Family Coach. Visit for video.
Welcome to The Family Coach, family coaching and consultation. The Family Coach is a coaching and consulting program for families desiring to enhance their skills for better family living. Working together, we take your family to the next level of living and wellness. Much like you would go to a tennis or golf coach to improve your game, the family coach program is designed to provide you with consultation, coaching and skills to improve your family and each member of your family as desired.
Family Coaching is a skills based family improvement process for families wishing to improve their skills in any of the following areas:
• Family discipline
• Family health and wellness
• Family meal planning
• Family routines
• Family schedules
• Getting your family on track
• Goal setting for success
• Healthy exercise and fitness
• Home organization
• Improving attention and focus
• Improving friendship skills
• Improving behavior at home
• Improving quality family-time
• Improving quality relationships
• Improving school behavior
• Improving school success
• Keeping your family on track
• Parenting with confidence
• Parenting with consistency
• Problem solving
• Working together with the other parent
How does coaching differ from therapy?
Family Coaching differs from traditional therapy in that it focuses on health and wellness. Coaching is an active goal-setting and goal-accomplishment process. The Family Coach @ Home generally consists of one to five sessions in which goals for healthy family living, behavior management, lifestyle improvement and better every day living are established and implemented. Classes, workshops and The Family Coach Playbook, provide you with skills to enhance your every day family life.
Coaching asserts that you are the expert in your family and with a bit of guidance you can develop the skills of a coach so that you can better solve family challenges as they arise. Coaching starts with things as they are today and focuses on future success. Watch, live, love, learn and grow today! with The Family Coach. Visit for video.
Back To The Family Dinner Table
Dr. Kenney launches her Back To The Family Dinner Table program, with local community teachers, encouraging families to sit down for dinner several nights per week and extend their dinner hour with family activities.
Monday Night is Discovery Night
Bring the “Discovery Box” to the dinner table. Place unique, familiar or fascinating objects in a box and allow each child to pull an object and talk about it. After dinner go on-line or take a trip to your local library to learn more about topics related to the things in your discovery box.
Tuesday Night is Reading Night
Prepare early readers, by bringing everyday objects to the table that have words or print on them, such as cereal boxes and other items in your cupboard. Play reading and guessing games using the printed materials. Play games with the words, making silly sentences, tongue twisters and fun stories.
Wednesday Night “You are a STAR”
Play find your “Star Word.” Assign one word to each child. That is the word that makes them A STAR at this meal. Frequently occurring words such as “The, and, it, him, her, she, he” are good beginning words. Then have each child bring a book to the table, choose a page, and name how many times their STAR word appears. That number becomes the child’s “Magic Number” for the night and every time he encounters that number for the rest of the evening he gets to make a wish or discuss his current life dreams and aspirations.
Thursday Night it’s Show and Tell
Play show and tell at your family table. Have your children bring an object, a piece of art, a song or something to share. Shine the “spot-light” on one child at a time and allow only him or her to share.
Friday Night is Family History Night
Bring family photos, heirlooms or pieces of family history to the table and talk about your family ancestry and historical family member’s life experiences.
Saturday Night is Game Night
Play board games, cards, chess or checkers at the table after dinner to enhance your family experience.
Sunday Night You’re on Broadway!
Put on a show, dance, sing, do a skit – Laugh and “lift each other up” with genuine compliments, enthusiasm and joy.
Monday Night is Discovery Night
Bring the “Discovery Box” to the dinner table. Place unique, familiar or fascinating objects in a box and allow each child to pull an object and talk about it. After dinner go on-line or take a trip to your local library to learn more about topics related to the things in your discovery box.
Tuesday Night is Reading Night
Prepare early readers, by bringing everyday objects to the table that have words or print on them, such as cereal boxes and other items in your cupboard. Play reading and guessing games using the printed materials. Play games with the words, making silly sentences, tongue twisters and fun stories.
Wednesday Night “You are a STAR”
Play find your “Star Word.” Assign one word to each child. That is the word that makes them A STAR at this meal. Frequently occurring words such as “The, and, it, him, her, she, he” are good beginning words. Then have each child bring a book to the table, choose a page, and name how many times their STAR word appears. That number becomes the child’s “Magic Number” for the night and every time he encounters that number for the rest of the evening he gets to make a wish or discuss his current life dreams and aspirations.
Thursday Night it’s Show and Tell
Play show and tell at your family table. Have your children bring an object, a piece of art, a song or something to share. Shine the “spot-light” on one child at a time and allow only him or her to share.
Friday Night is Family History Night
Bring family photos, heirlooms or pieces of family history to the table and talk about your family ancestry and historical family member’s life experiences.
Saturday Night is Game Night
Play board games, cards, chess or checkers at the table after dinner to enhance your family experience.
Sunday Night You’re on Broadway!
Put on a show, dance, sing, do a skit – Laugh and “lift each other up” with genuine compliments, enthusiasm and joy.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Chef Ann's nutrition report card is a must hang...
Eating well is an important part of family health and wellness. As an innovator in children's health, Chef Ann, has changed the food delivery patterns in schools across America.
Improve your kids habits in a matter of days.
Check this out, print out Chef Ann's report card and hang it on your fridge. Notice how your kids seek out healthier foods, almost immediately.
Improve your kids habits in a matter of days.
Check this out, print out Chef Ann's report card and hang it on your fridge. Notice how your kids seek out healthier foods, almost immediately.
Listen to Lynne's podcast on coping with divorce
04/02/07 Season 16: The Real Life Brady Bunch- Part 2
In this week’s podcast, join one of Montel’s trusted Living Well coaches, Dr. Lynne Kenney, as she shares additional advice for families going through a divorce. Learn how to make this tough time more tolerable for your family. For more in-depth information on Dr. Kenney, check out, and come Live Well with Montel.
In this week’s podcast, join one of Montel’s trusted Living Well coaches, Dr. Lynne Kenney, as she shares additional advice for families going through a divorce. Learn how to make this tough time more tolerable for your family. For more in-depth information on Dr. Kenney, check out, and come Live Well with Montel.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
The Family Coach Online: Tools for Better Family Living
The Family Coach online is a Web 2.0+ empowerment experience that enables families to improve their lives through simple practical interactive tools, vignettes, games and activities.
The Family Coach online is comprised of:
Tools for Better Family Living
Custom Content: Audio, video and editorial (e.g. How-to-guides)
Online Series
Online Vignettes
All of our Content is designed to support and enhance the use of The Family Coach Tools based on personalized preferences and Family Feedback™.
The Family Coach online is comprised of:
Tools for Better Family Living
Custom Content: Audio, video and editorial (e.g. How-to-guides)
Online Series
Online Vignettes
All of our Content is designed to support and enhance the use of The Family Coach Tools based on personalized preferences and Family Feedback™.
Your Family Values
Step 2: Define your Values
Your Family Values:
Your family values guide your every day choices, activities and behavior. Even if you have not ever written them down, you have values. Choose some values to live by...
Self Analysis Quiz:
When I wake in the morning my first thought is:
I am ready for the day
I wish I could sleep longer
Oh no, not again
My task list is too long
I can’t wait to tackle this day
I can’t wait to enjoy this day
Tool: Your Family Values from A to Z
Choose your values in the order of importance 1-5.
Here's just a start...
Detail Oriented
Follow Through
Your Family Values:
Your family values guide your every day choices, activities and behavior. Even if you have not ever written them down, you have values. Choose some values to live by...
Self Analysis Quiz:
When I wake in the morning my first thought is:
I am ready for the day
I wish I could sleep longer
Oh no, not again
My task list is too long
I can’t wait to tackle this day
I can’t wait to enjoy this day
Tool: Your Family Values from A to Z
Choose your values in the order of importance 1-5.
Here's just a start...
Detail Oriented
Follow Through
better life,
The Family Coach Foundation
The Foundation of The Family Coach Better Family Living Playbook is:
The Family Coach @ Home - Mission statement > Vision statement > Your Family Rules
Every home, family and structure is built on a foundation. As you build your extraordinary family home you lay your family foundation, your family mission and values, and your reason for being. Out of your foundation grows the structure of your home, your family rules, behavioral expectations and your opportunities for family health and happiness.
The first step is to pour your family foundation, we’ll build your Happier Home as we go.
Step 1 is to develop your family mission statement, your family values, and your description of the family you want to live in.
Step 1: Define your Mission
Every family lives for a purpose. That purpose is your family mission. Some families live to give back, some live to raise one another up, some live to re-create the past, some live with passion for the future. By summarizing your family purpose, you lay the most stable part of the foundation of your family home. The place where you live, breathe, learn, love and grow.
What is a family mission statement > Why is it important > How do I write a family mission statement > Sample family mission statements > Write your family mission statement for all to see (printable) > Schedule your quarterly family meetings to review and update your mission statement.
Your Family Mission Statement
We are a family who…
The following behaviors will model our family mission…
Sample Family Mission Statements:
We are a family that lives to give back to the community.
We are a family that models respect for others in our words and actions.
We are a family that lives with passion, acceptance and joy in all that we do.
We are a family that accepts one another’s original voice.
We strive to help each individual find his unique strengths and to build his unique talents.
Write your Family Mission Statement and post it on your fridge for all to see. What kind of family do you plan to raise.
The Family Coach @ Home - Mission statement > Vision statement > Your Family Rules
Every home, family and structure is built on a foundation. As you build your extraordinary family home you lay your family foundation, your family mission and values, and your reason for being. Out of your foundation grows the structure of your home, your family rules, behavioral expectations and your opportunities for family health and happiness.
The first step is to pour your family foundation, we’ll build your Happier Home as we go.
Step 1 is to develop your family mission statement, your family values, and your description of the family you want to live in.
Step 1: Define your Mission
Every family lives for a purpose. That purpose is your family mission. Some families live to give back, some live to raise one another up, some live to re-create the past, some live with passion for the future. By summarizing your family purpose, you lay the most stable part of the foundation of your family home. The place where you live, breathe, learn, love and grow.
What is a family mission statement > Why is it important > How do I write a family mission statement > Sample family mission statements > Write your family mission statement for all to see (printable) > Schedule your quarterly family meetings to review and update your mission statement.
Your Family Mission Statement
We are a family who…
The following behaviors will model our family mission…
Sample Family Mission Statements:
We are a family that lives to give back to the community.
We are a family that models respect for others in our words and actions.
We are a family that lives with passion, acceptance and joy in all that we do.
We are a family that accepts one another’s original voice.
We strive to help each individual find his unique strengths and to build his unique talents.
Write your Family Mission Statement and post it on your fridge for all to see. What kind of family do you plan to raise.
The Family Coach
Hello to all our Family Coach Families,
The Family Coach is an interactive Better Family Living Franchise designed to help you develop skills for living a happier healthier family life.
You’ve read all the books, you’ve tried all the strategies, it’s time for The Family Coach! an original online and offline franchise featuring “In-your-life” empowerment interventions on Television, The Family Coach online community, online-tools and live events.
With 20 years of clinical, educational and research experience, licensed psychologist Lynne Kenney, PsyD coaches families to new levels of living. Having learned from families that they need action-oriented solutions they can implement on a moments notice, Dr. Kenney developed The Family Coach.
The Family Coach is a skills-based health and wellness model that synthesizes the steps to healthy parenting into every day strategies that actually change the way a family lives in one day!
Through engaging, informative and practical solutions Dr. Kenney shows families how to “Create” their own extraordinary family right now!
Watch, live, love, learn and grow now!
The Family Coach is an interactive Better Family Living Franchise designed to help you develop skills for living a happier healthier family life.
You’ve read all the books, you’ve tried all the strategies, it’s time for The Family Coach! an original online and offline franchise featuring “In-your-life” empowerment interventions on Television, The Family Coach online community, online-tools and live events.
With 20 years of clinical, educational and research experience, licensed psychologist Lynne Kenney, PsyD coaches families to new levels of living. Having learned from families that they need action-oriented solutions they can implement on a moments notice, Dr. Kenney developed The Family Coach.
The Family Coach is a skills-based health and wellness model that synthesizes the steps to healthy parenting into every day strategies that actually change the way a family lives in one day!
Through engaging, informative and practical solutions Dr. Kenney shows families how to “Create” their own extraordinary family right now!
Watch, live, love, learn and grow now!
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