Monday, December 1, 2008

AND BABY MAKES TWO- - Things that make you say eeeew and smile

First time parents are in for their share of terrible sights and smells! Some of us are better at it than others; but it’s safe to say that we all have some issues dealing with those baby bodily functions. Here are some tips for dealing with the grossest of the gross.

Spitting up
Moms of young babies often feel that they spend their entire lives wearing a dirty shirt. Not only is it difficult to keep your clothing clean, but it’s difficult to keep yourself (and baby) smelling fresh. First, keep some sort of cloth around for your shoulder and lap whenever you’re burping baby. They make specific burp rags, but when my babies were young, I found that these cloths were not wide enough to cover my whole shoulder. Cloth diapers worked much better. I pretty much walked around the house with a cloth diaper on my shoulder at all times when I had a small infant.

Washing those clothes that have been regurgitated upon takes some special care. The smell (especially if you’re using formula) can be hard to remove. Try putting a splash of color safe bleach in the wash to completely remove the smell.

Moms who work have a special challenge – getting to work in the morning without having to change your shirt before you drop off baby. Here was my solution for this dilemma. After I got dressed in the morning, I would put one of my husband’s old dress shirts on over my clothes. I wore it until after I had dropped the baby off at the sitter. It covered nearly my entire outfit.

Poopy Diapers
Get a surgical mask if you need it, you’re going to be changing these for a while. However, once your baby gets a little older, there will be fewer each day. You just have to toughen up about changing them. The best solution for controlling the smell is just to get them out of the house quickly. No, really just bag em and toss em. Luckily, a newborn’s diet prevents the smell from being too offensive; just wait until they start eating solids or better yet, til they are teens...

Little Boy Accidents During Diaper Change
Has it happened to you yet? If you’re the parent of a newborn boy, it’s only a matter of time until your little darling sprays you in the face with a stream of urine during the diaper change. My advice is to keep your son’s penis covered as much as possible during the diaper change. An extra cloth close by can be a lifesaver!

Honestly, babies smell great no matter what the secretions. A bit of humor goes a long way. Here is a great link for large swaddling blankets that are super helpful. I use the aden + anais large swaddling blankets for everything.