Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Introducing solid foods to baby

Nature made breast milk a complete nutritional package for baby until about around age one, when supplemental foods benefit growth and development. Depending on babies height and weight she may need more calories as early as four months, for growth, that’s when supplementing with rice cereal may begin.

The amount of milk baby is drinking has increased by this age to about 32 ounces per day. Her tummy may be full but she may be hungry because her body is growing and she needs more calories. At this point you may introduce a bit of rice cereal at dinner time. Every baby has different needs, talk with your pediatrician about introducing solids to your child.

Often by five-six months of age baby is ready to explore foods and textures. Offering yogurt on a tiny spoon for baby to eat and explore in a soft beginning. You can also turn organic peas, potatoes, squash and green beans your family eats for dinner into finely processed food for baby to suck off a spoon. Visit to learn more about organic foods and purees.

Doctors often recommend serving one strained vegetable at a time for several days so that any reactions can be noted and addressed.

For more information on preparing natural food for baby you can read about organic baby food at or check out Simply Natural Baby Food: Easy Recipes for Delicious Meals Your Infant and Toddler Will Love by Cathe Olson at your local library or book store.

Signs it is time to talk with your pediatrician about introducing solid foods.

* Head control. Your baby can hold his head steady in an upright position.
* Baby stops using his tongue to push food out of his mouth.
* Baby sits while supported.
* Baby can move food back and forth in his mouth, then swallow.
* Most babies are ready to eat solids when they've doubled their birth weight (or weigh about 15 pounds) and are at least 4 months old.
* He seems hungry, even after gulping his milk.
* Baby shows curiosity about what you're eating.